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Rapidly rescue your live event with a great virtual alternative!

Once again we have gone back into a pretty serious lockdown as we are being hit by a third wave of the CORONA virus. Many businesses and organisations were beginning to emerge from their cocoons to face the world again and at least some smaller live events were being planned.

Once again though, like a relentless Tsunami that just won’t quit, the new strain emerged and sent us all scurrying back to the comparative shelter of isolation. It is a difficult situation for everyone, but an untenable one for Events Planners who were already facing a tough time.

The silver lining 

They say every dark cloud has a silver lining and we want Events Planners everywhere to know that there is a way that you can rapidly rescue your live event with a great virtual alternative!

It is a virtual events platform that can replace every aspect of a live event in a virtual form – and this includes every type of event too, from small meetings, conferences and parties to large scale exhibitions with international attendees.

It is fittingly named Virtual Event and with international partners Hubilo, who pioneered virtual events internationally, it created a South African version to suit our local market and events idiosyncrasies.

It’s got you covered… 

When you consider all the most important aspects of an event – the booking and welcoming, the get-togethers and networking, the meetings and presentations, the live interactions and feedback to sponsors and organisers and the analytics to ensure the next event is the same kind of success – all these are covered by this ingenious Virtual Event platform.

There is no reason the event you have been planning with so much effort and attention to detail cannot still go ahead but in a virtual format. Surely this is better than foregoing the event altogether? Why lose the connecting, networking, learning and interacting that the live event might have had simply because people can’t physically be together? In essence, nothing changes.

Some significant advantages 

There are in fact some significant advantages of a virtual event over a live one. For one thing, just think of the cost savings of delegates travelling to the event, being accommodated and catered for, not to mention savings on audio-visual equipment, staging, security arrangements and compliances – the list, as any Events Co-ordinator knows, goes on and on.

An enormous advantage too is the far greater reach that a virtual event can have on a global scale. Why not look at inviting international participants to the local live event you were planning? You need only consider time zones, but another advantage of a Virtual Event platform is that all presentations can be recorded and enjoyed any time it suits the delegates to watch them.

Hybrid events are the future 

We are not for one moment saying that in-person events don’t have merit, of course they do and the comradery and ambience, as well as the body language and nuances of a potential customer’s demeanour, can all be significant. 

Neither can we possibly ignore the significant benefits of virtual events and so Events Co-ordinators have been leaning more and more towards combining live and virtual events to create Hybrid events. Just remember, had the event you were planning right now been set up as a hybrid event it would have been even easier to immediately rescue it and transform it into a fully virtual event.

Consult the experts 

So, don’t just abandon that great event you have spent so much time on already. Talk to us and let us set you on the path to rapidly rescuing it and the path to holding hybrid events in the future. Virtual Event and you are a great partnership in the making for holding bigger and better events than ever before!



Let one of our Business Development Managers show you how to transform your next event.